The Friends of Meadowlily Woods is a not-for-profit community association dedicated to protecting and preserving the integrity of Meadowlily Woods an environmentally significant and natural woodland in our area. We are also committed to saving the natural and historic nature of our community from inappropriate development that could endanger this natural area.
Donations go to fund environmental initiatives to protect this environmental significant area through educational special events. Any donation is very much appreciated. Thank You
Going Green is Easy!
Ways to Help the Environment
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Use reusable bags
Use refillable mugs at coffee shops
Choose locally grown food
Use rechargeable batteries
Plan a green day to pick up trash
Reduce household energy use
Conserve water
Carpool, walk or bike when you can
Plant trees – trees lower cooling needs
Plant a garden grow vegetables
Don’t use pesticides on lawns or plants
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Words from the Woods
EarthFest – April 20, 2024
- By MeadowlilyWoods
- 1,195
Species at Risk – Reptiles
Reptile species have a useful and important role in ecosystems. They help control the numbers of serious agricultural pests by consuming rodent and insect pests. Removal of any species from its ecosystem can drastically alter the populations of other organisms.
- By MeadowlilyWoods
- 1,138
Species at Risk – Trees
The forested slopes above the south branch of the Thames River were created at the end of the ice age through a glacial spillway through the Ingersoll moraine. According to a Natural Inventory in 1987 commissioned by the City of London, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, McIIwraith Field Naturalists and the Urban League of London, Meadowlily Woods is one of the largest remaining settings in the area.
- By MeadowlilyWoods
- 695